Special Offers
From time to time, we’ll have special offers available to individuals. Discounds, bundles, you name it. This is where you’ll find those listed.
Keep on checking back for more, as they’re added all the time!
Each review code may have limited uses, or an expiration date.
One offer per customer
If you review our services or plugins, you will receive a 10% refund. Simply contact us via the helpdesk and let us know you've reviewed the service / plugin and we'll get that out to you.
The review does not have to be glowing, it merely has to comply with the review terms.
Reviews must be made within 30 days of purchase
Get 5% off of our support extended addon (annual or owned) when you use the coupon code 5off .
Get 10% off of our cron or user validation scripts (annual or owned) when using the coupon code 10off
Take 15% off of our WHMCS training with the coupon code 15totrain
Take 15% off of our Notifications Extended or User and IP Control addons (annual or owned) with the 15off code